
We know that Switzerland was the birthplace of the Mennonite faith and we can locate where particular families originated, but not all. Mennonites originated coincident with the Protestant Reformation but because of persecution, they moved (or were forced to move) to Alsace and to the German Palatinate. Finding the facts of our ancestors is time consuming in that it involves copious amounts of reading and synthesizing information. Our Metz family has not been documented, except in passing in the family histories of other well known Mennonite families. These histories not only tell us some of the people who our ancestors married, but they also provide us with links to known persons and locations. 

MAP of Switzerland: Rossi, Giovanni Giacomo de, Cantelli da Vignola, Giacomo and Donia, Francesco. 1686. Abobe map: L’Helvetia o’paese de Svizzeri con li stati, che sono a medesimi collegati. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection.  https://www.davidrumsey.com/rumsey/download.pl?image=/168/11438043.jp2


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