Mennonite History & General Resources
Beiler, R. J. (1997). Distributing Aid to Believers in Need: The Religious Foundations of Transatlantic Migration. Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, 64, 73–87.
Cassel, D. K. (1888). History of the Mennonites. Daniel K Cassel.
Davis, R. W. (1993). Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners (Vol. 1).
Davis, R. W. (1994). Swiss and German Mennonite Immigrants From the Palatinate, 1718-1726. Mennonite Family History, 13(2).
Davis, R. W. (1997). Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners (Vol. 2).
Davis, R. W. (1999). Emigrants, Refugees and Prisoners (Vol. 3).
Denlinger, C., Gratz, D., Hess, C., Kroeker, M., Miller, V., Park, M., Peters, A., & Walther, G. (1982). A Clue For Missing Anabaptist Family Records. Mennonite Family History, 1(4).
De Hoop Scheffe, J. G., & Pennypacker, S. W. (1878). Mennonite Emigration to Pennsylvania. Friendly Relations between the Mennonites in Holland and Those in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, 2(2).
Denlinger, C., Gratz, D., Hess, C., Kroeker, M., Miller, V., Park, M., Peters, A., & Walther, G. (1982). A Clue For Missing Anabaptist Family Records. Mennonite Family History, 1(4).
Dumbaugh, D. F. (Ed.). (1983a). The Brethren Encyclopedia: Vol. 1 A-J. Brethren Encyclopedia, Inc.; Internet Archive.
Dumbaugh, D. F. (Ed.). (1983b). The Brethren Encyclopedia: Vol. 2 K-Z. Brethren Encyclopedia, Inc.
Durnbaugh, D. F. (Ed.). (1983). The Brethren encyclopedia: Vol. 3 Lists and Maps. Brethren Encyclopedia, Inc.; Internet Archive.
Emig, C. C. (2021). The Protestant genealogy in Alsace … Remarks and advices.
Eyster Jacobs, H. (1898). The German Emigration to America, 1709-1740: Vol. III. of a Narrative and Critical History. The Pennsylvania German Society; Hathi Trust, Internet Archive.
Feintuch, B., Stayer, J. R., Rosenberger, L. L., Till, B. G., & Ross, M. S. (1985). Persecution and Genocide: The General Problem as Illustrated by the Anabaptist Experience. Pennsylvania Folklife, 24(2).
Garber, A. (2019). “Who for Conscience Sake Cannot Swear at All”: The Quest of the Lancaster County Mennonites for Naturalization. Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, 42(3), 82–91.
Grueningen, J. P. V. (1940). The Swiss in the United States: A Compilation Prepared for the Swiss—American Historical Society as the Second Volume of its Publications (Vol. 2). Swiss American HIstorical Society.
Guth, H. (1960). European Sources for Eighteenth Century Genealogical Research. Mennonite Family History, 1(1).
Guth, H., Guth, G., Mast, J. L., & Mast, L. A. (1987). Palatine Mennonite Census Lists, 1664-1793. Mennonite Family History.
Hasse, A., & Seiler, G. (2023). 4 Social factors in mixed language emergence: Solving the puzzle of Amish Shwitzer. In S. Ballarè & G. Inglese (Eds.), Sociolinguistic and Typological Perspectives on Language Variation (pp. 85–120). De Gruyter.
Hess Siegrist, J. (2007). Switzerland: Early Anabaptist Family Sites. Mennonite Family History, XXVI(1).
Jecker, H. (n.d.). The ‘Anabaptist Tradition’ Reclaiming its gifts, heeding its weaknesses.
Kottelin-Longley, M. (2006). “What shall I do? The more I kill the greater becomes their number!”: the suppression of Anabaptism in early sixteenth century. Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 19, 182–192.
Kuhns, O. (1901). The German and Swiss Settlements of Colonial Pennsylvania A study of the so called Pennsylvania Dutch by Oscar Kuhns 1901.
Lancaster Mennonite History. (n.d.). [Mennonite History]. Mennonite Life. Retrieved October 23, 2024, from
Landis, I. D. (1962). As Others See Us—1823 Style. Mennonite Research Journal, III(1).
Macco, H. (1954). Swiss emigrants to the Palatinate in Germany and to America, 1650-1800 and Huguenots the Palatinate and Germany: Vol. I, II, III, IV, V. The Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter Day Saints.
Raid, H. (1993). Anabaptists sold as galley slaves. Mennonite Family History, XII(I).
Rettenmund, J. (n.d.). On the trails of the Sumiswald Anabaptists: Guide to the Anabaptist Way [Municipality of Sumiswald]. Willkommen in Sumiswald. Retrieved October 21, 2024, from
Stuckey Levine, N. A. (2007). Toward a Catalogue of Likely Anabaptists in France With Known Places of Residence in Switzerland. Mennonite Family History, XXVI(1).
Thematische Suche im Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich. (n.d.). [Archiv]. Staatsarchiv des Kantons Zürich.
Treese, L., Denlinger, R. H., Fetterman, W. B., & Hopple, L. C. (1988). Germanic Origins and Religious-Geographical History of the Mennonites in Europe. Pennsylvania Folklife, 38(1).
van Braght, T. J. (1660). The Bloody Theater or Martyrs Mirror of the Defenseless Christians.
Wagner, R. M. (n.d.). The story of the Landis/Landeis Family From their origins in Switzerland, their Exodus to Alsace, the Palatinate, the Ukraine, and to the U.S.A.
Whitmer, C. (2001). Swiss Anabaptist Refugees from Canton Bern in the German Palatinate in 1671. Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage, 24(2).
Wokeck, M. (1999). Trade in Strangers: The Beginnings of Mass Migration to North America. The Pennsylvania State University Press.